What is This Singing Thing About?!

I was what I call a late bloomer. I entered college as a piano performance major. After about three weeks I decided I was bored and wanted to try something different. Singing was fairly new to me and I considered it a third instrument next to piano and tenor saxophone. I began dating my wife shortly into my freshman year who was a wonderful singer and voice performance major. After hearing me sing a little she encouraged me to take some lessons. Second semester I started with a voice teacher and a lot of enthusiasm. When I entered the practice room after my first lesson I thought-“What do I do now?” It felt weird and strange to open my mouth and actually sing out without anyone singing with me. I now found myself surrounded by other guys who were very comfortable and skilled at something I was completely new to. I think of that humble beginning every time I meet with a new student- the strange sensation of singing out loud without feeling stupid! It took me a while before I began to feel comfortable singing by myself. Singing is a very different than any other instrument. A lot of what we work with are feelings and sensations-things we cannot see or touch. I was used to feeling the keys under my fingers. Now, I had to figure out this new instrument I had inside my body. What a change! I’ve always believed this experience has given me a unique perspective and appreciation for how challenging and frightening singing can be. What I love when working with students is figuring out our own language together that brings them the greatest and fastest benefits for their singing. It’s a whole new and exciting world!


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