COVID and breathing problems
It has come to our attention that many people who have had Covid are struggling with breathing problems. We’ve also heard that many voice teachers are helping these people recover from their breathing issues. Of course first and foremost you need to see your doctor for help and advice. In addition to seeing your doctor, a voice teacher that knows and talks a lot about proper breathing technique can be a wonderful source of help for you. Most people don’t know how to properly inflate their lungs or how to increase their capacity for air. If you are a person that would like help and advice on increasing your lung capacity and strengthen your breathing muscles, please contact us for help today!
Put your instrument in the correct position
To give yourselves the greatest chance at singing your best, think of always putting your instrument in the correct position for the best possible sound. This includes the position of your larynx. The larynx, which houses our vocal chords, should sit in a relaxed, low position at all times while we sing. When the larynx is low you will feel that yawny deep stretch in your throat. The problem with the larynx is it tends to rise with the pitch…pitch goes higher, larynx wants goes with it. When the larynx rises it tends to squeeze our throats producing that strangulated feeling that is not good for healthy, beautiful singing. So, in good vocal training we work to keep the larynx low and relaxed. For men, especially lower voiced males, you can see the larynx pretty easily. For women and higher voiced singers it can be difficult to see. Here’s what I suggest-Gently place your index finger in your throat and take a yawny, deep breath. Most likely you will feel your larynx lower. Keeping your finger there can aid in revealing to you what your larynx is doing. When I learned about this critical aspect of vocal technique, my whole voice and world changed! We would absolutely love to help you achieve a relaxed, low laryngeal position so you can have that beautiful sound that makes high notes SO MUCH easier!!