It’s OK to say NO!

We would like to talk again about the subject of vocal fatigue.  One way you can get into trouble is when you are touring or doing multiple performances without getting enough downtime and vocal rest.   This can be very draining on you physically and vocally.  It is incredibly important that before you leave, you are comfortable with your schedule.  Many people will want you to sing more and more throughout your careers and while that is what we all are after, we must learn to manage our schedules and how often we sing.  We tell our students NO, is an important word to learn.  It can be very difficult to say NO to people when we want to please them and continue getting more and more opportunities to sing.  Remember, when you say NO to something, you are actually saying YES to something you value more!  At JVS, we offer a holistic approach for our students.  We don’t just deal with matters of vocal technique, but rather the whole person, seeing each one of you individually and doing our best to meet your needs.  Why don’t you send us an email and start learning not only a great vocal technique, but how to manage the many challenges of your career, successfully! Say YES to SUCCESS!!


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Audition Shoes