Volume control and singing Pianissimo (Very quietly)

 Have you ever wanted to sing really softly but could not make that soft sound carry or have the same beauty or quality in your voice as you did when you sang loudly? Singing softly or singing pianissimo which is the Italian word for very quiet, is a skill you can definitely master if you know how to manage your breath correctly. First of all, let’s review how much breath you need to take in by getting a straw and breathing in as much breath as you feel you can and then forcing in one more breath to stretch those inhalation muscles. Once you have taken in that big breath, you have to manage it by engaging or flexing your abs. As we stated previously, to engage your abs and sing on your breath, you must feel your stomach muscles come out when you start to sing just like your bicep would come out on your arm if you were flexing it. Before you try to sing softly you must practice singing loudly while engaging your abs. When all of that is working correctly, try singing loudly and then diminish the air flow out of your mouth by literally blowing less air while keeping your abs completely engaged as if you are singing loudly. The affect will be a level of volume control that will truly set you apart from other singers. Singing softly can be achieved pretty easily if you already have a strong vocal technique and breath management.


Auditions, Fun or Fear?


Breath support: Engaging your abs